One chance meeting. Wasn't planned or carefully organized, just happened to be out with my best friend. To say it was love at first sight, well that's probably not possible, but I do know it was something I had never felt before. An instant reassurance that somehow, some day, things would turn out how I had always dreamed. That all those years of kissing frogs would finally end and I would find that prince. That the one I had been waiting, praying, dreaming, and hoping for would finally come and sweep me off my feet!!
Back up....
On this night, I would share a dance. A first dance. I think there's a lot to be said about the way a first dance with someone goes. He is a good leader? Does he hold you close and make sure you are safe? Does he act like he isn't at all interested or does he look you in the eye? Needless to say, when he held me close but not too close as to make me feel uncomfortable, he looked in my eyes and all I could see was him. No one else existed in that moment. The whole room faded away and it was just the two of us. That feeling is something most people won't ever experience. It's seen in movies all the time, but who really ever thinks it will happen to them?? I know I want to know that feeling again. I want to experience a lifetime of that giddy, butterflies in the stomach, back in middle school, feeling. I'm reminded of a country song: "Do you love me? Do you wanna be my friend? Well then don't be afraid to take me by the hand. I think this is how love goes, check yes or no." Ha who passes notes like that anymore? I wish we did...but I digress.
So, this guy though I knew nothing about him other than what had been told to me by our mutual friends and the short conversation we shared during that dance, seemed to possess something I was curious about. I wanted to know more but I had no idea how to move forward or if it was even worth it. So I took a chance. A shot in the dark really! I went out on a limb and gave him my number. The next thing that happened, well that was something I hadn't seen coming at all....